
Welcome to Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems (E210/B441)

Spring 2025


This course provides an introduction to core topics in cyber-physical and digital systems. The first part of the course provides a foundation for modern cyber-physical system design. These topics include embedded systems, issues of real-time processing, and sensor mechanisms and control algorithms. Students will study applications of these elements in the Internet of Things and Robotics. The second part of the course covers digital system design using hardware description languages. We start with basics of digital electronics and learn how digital gates are used to build large digital systems. We will practice modern digital system design by using state of the art software tools and implementation of the digital systems on a programmable hardware platform.


Our basic goal is to teach the students how to design and implement digital and cyber-physical systems. You will learn how to efficiently use state-of-the-art tools to design and produce well engineered systems. The course will also prepare you to take the upper-level systems classes and, even more important, you will learn skills and knowledge that will help you throughout your career.



Autograder (registered students only)

Canvas (registered students only)

Remote Setup

Vivado Tutorial

Classes and Labs Schedule

Weekly Focus Monday Wednesday Lab (Wednesday, Friday)
Introduction and Cyber-Physical Systems 1/13 1/15 Project 0 Raspberry PI Setup
I2C Serial communication 1/20: MLK Day No classes 1/22 Project 1 I2C Pressure/Temperature Sensor
Pressure sensor and SPI bus 1/27 1/29 Project 2 SPI Accelerometer
Accelerometer and MQTT 2/3 2/5 Project 3 MQTT Sensor Data Server
Parallel input/output 2/10 2/12 Project 4 Sensor LED Output
HDL and Exam 1 Review 2/17 2/19: Exam 1 Review No Labs
Exam 1 and Vivado 2/24: Exam 1 2/26: Intro. to Digital Design P5 Demultiplexer
Combinational Logic 3/3 3/5 P6 ALU
Sequential Logic 3/10 3/12 P7 Saturating Counter
Spring Break 3/17: No Classes 3/19: No Classes  
Registers and counters 3/24 3/26 P7 Saturating Counter
Finite state machines (FSM’s) 3/31 4/2 P8 Elevator Controller
Memory 4/7 4/9 P8 Elevator Controller
Processor 4/14 4/16 P9 SPI Interface
Review and Exam 2 4/21 Exam 2 Review 4/23: Exam 2 P9 SPI Interface
Cache Memory 4/28 4/30 No Labs